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Author Topic: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!  (Read 4996 times)

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Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:18:02 PM »
The reason there's not windows 9 is because of the embarrassment & failure of W8 & 8.1, they didn't want to come out with a new version that would seem like a continuation of 8 & 8.1. So they skipped 9, & came out with Windows 10... a marketing gimmic. Indeed, the reason for 8.1 was to fix what they can with Windows 8. But don't believe the hype people, or be impressed by the number 10. Windows 10 is really just Windows 8.2.

Windows 8 does have it's fans though. It depends on what you're used to, & what hardware you're using. Rather than using a REAL computer, if most of your computer experience has been limited to touch screens like on phones, &  small tablets, Windows 8 may be just your type of OS. But if you need to get a lot of work done (like on a real keyboard), are a company, or need your OS to be compatible with a lot of different hardware & software, W7 is the best available. If you're smart & handy, you can get a supported military or Chinese version of XP, but that's too tricky, sneaky, & difficult for most of us. XP isn't as secure as a modern OS anyway. Don't get me started on Vista. It's just not an option because it's the worst OS that Microsoft ever came out with.

But with W8 fans, it's also is a hardware issue. People mistakenly claim that W8 is the fastest OS they ever had. Some computers, hardware, & software are just simply designed to run W8 better than W7. W8 is very slow & bloated. But it will run better on a machine designed to run W8 well than W7 will on the same machine. But the reverse is true also. A machine designed for XP, W7, or Vista will usually run W7 much faster & better than W8 on the same machine.

There's also comparing apples with oranges. A fast dual or quad core machine with 4gb or more of RAM, & possibly a decent video card will run W8 faster than W7 will on a single core 1.8ghz computer with only 2gb or less of RAM. It's just that a faster better machine will run better. It had nothing to do with the OS.

I had high hopes for Windows 10. But now I hear W10 won't accept drivers & driver updates from your hardware manufacturers. It will only accept many drivers & driver updates directly through Microsoft's Windows updates. All windows updates will be maditory & cannot be refused. Particularly, W10 will not accept drivers & driver updates from Nvidia for their video cards. You can only get them through Microsoft. Nvidia is the most popular video cards in the world.

My Nvidia cards & drivers for my other hardware would not function properly using Microsoft drivers & their driver updates. For best function & performance I always have to get my Nvidia drivers from Nvidia. My primary PC running Windows 7, wouldn't even run or boot if I relied on Microsoft it's drivers & driver updates. Every knowledgeable & experienced techie out there will tell you to never get your drivers from Micorsoft, & always get them from you're hardware's manufacturer.

For best performance on some of my machines, I even had to force-install of some Vista drivers.

Windows 10 is to be released to the general public on July 29th.

Windows 10 automatic updates conflicts with third party drivers.

The problem is a conflict between automatic updates and Nvidia graphics card updates using Nvidia’s, Nvidia GeForce Experience, a handy tool for all Nvidia owners. Microsoft has taken control away from users, and made all updates mandatory, including driver updates.

Users are reporting problems with multi-monitor setups, dual-card configurations and PCs not booting properly, setting off Windows 10 emergency recovery mode.

For a lot of PC users & Nvidia card users, Windows 10 could be a problem, especially at launch. Gamers are especially at risk given the likelihood of that they are running Nvidia graphics cards, as well as dual-GPU and dual-monitor setups.

Nvidia drivers aren’t the only problem facing Windows 10 automatic updates. Since Windows 10 is delivering manditory driver updates automatically, it can conflict with many of third party peripheral makers. Things could get crazy very quickly, since Windows 10 updates are unstoppable... a very questionable decision on Microsoft’s part.


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Re: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 04:48:35 PM »
In the Windows 10 picture above, just like W8, you can see they have annoying ads built right into the OS. Why would you spend around $100 on software with adware in it? We have adblock on our computers because we're overwhelmed with ads. Don't build them into our OS. Who's idea was it to include ads in an OS?


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Re: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 10:49:27 PM »
For many with Windows 7 or 8, you can upgrade to Windows 10 for free! It sounds too good to be true. How can a business do that & stay profitable? Because they'll nickel & dime you for everything you need or want in monthly subscription fees.

There are many features in Windows 7 & 8 that are missing in Windows 10. If you want them, & any new features Microsoft comes out with, you won't get them for free, & most of them you can't just buy outright. You have to pay them a monthly subscription fee to use them. If you miss a payment or are late, those features stop working. Don't want those or other features if you have to pay for them? Windows will still offer/nag you to get them. Imagine that, adware & nagware built right into the OS!

It will cost you $1.49/mo just to play Solitaire, which was free in all previous Windows versions. Want to play DVDs on your DVD drive? That'll cost you $14.99. They are offering the DVD software for free to temporarily use for a very limited time, but when that time is up, you pay for it. How dare they hold my DVD drive & DVDs hostage!

If you have problems with Windows 10, you can't do a clean install for free. You have to re-install windows 7 or 8, then upgrade to Windows 10 for free. The free upgrade is only works until next year. So after that, if you need to do a clean install of W10, you can't even upgrade from a W7 or 8 installation for free anymore. You'll have to buy Windows 10 for around $100.

So before you wipe out your current OS to install a free upgrade to W10, read the fine print! They'll really make a lot more money off of you this way. W10 will be taking dollars out of your wallet every month for years to come.

When they discontinue support for Windows 7, I'll move up to W8.1 rather than go to 10. Maybe even use Linux more, get a used mac, or an upscale large android tablet. BTW Android is Linux too. Linux is built on Unix. Apple is built on Unix.

Except for the improved start menu, Windows 10 is worse than W8.1! Lets not forget, you can install & modify a start menu in W8.1. You can even tweak W8 to be more like W7. W10 is just W8.1 with features missing that they want to charge you monthly fees for. It's just a subscription (monthly fee) version of Windows 8.2 with a start menu.

Windows 10 - Epic Fail

I guess Apple & Android Makers will get even richer after this Microsoft goof.

Yes, I did test & use the finished version over a week ago. No Big Deal!


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Re: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 01:21:15 PM »
Window's Cortana ramps up Bing’s market share with every search you make. The problem is, Bing sucks. Who really uses it except for newbies & grandparents who know nothing about the internet? A simple search of stuff on Bing shows links & info that hasn't existed in 10-20 years. New links to newer sites don't exist on Bing unless their owned, sponsored, or partnered with big corporations.

OneDrive backs up everything to the cloud, and of course you can buy more storage space if you need it. The Video, Groove Music, and Xbox apps encourage entertainment purchases through Microsoft. The new Edge browser and the very operating system itself track you to serve targeted ads. Spyware & adware are built right into the OS. Windows users spend a great deal of effort to keep spyware & adware off their computers, yet Microsoft decides to make it an integral part of their OS.  The free Office apps encourage paid Office 365 subscriptions to unlock full functionality. Underneath it all, the Windows Store is the repository for all of Microsoft’s vaunted universal apps (and plenty of other things to buy).

If you decide not to subscribe or buy anything, Windows 10 will slam you with ads nagging you to buy or subscribe to theirs & their partner's stuff.

This isn't a new OS, this is just a giant store, & tracker packed with ads, & spyware. The NSA & hackers gotta love stuff like this & Facebook. They can easily pull up data on anybody who uses that stuff.

So Windows 10 is not free. You pay now or eventually. But the biggest disappointment is that it's really just windows 8 with some minor improvements, tweaks, tons of ads, spyware, & stores. Nope, I don't want Microsoft, it's partners, advertisers, & corporations following everything I do on my computer. It may be all harmless (I doubt that), but would you want all the staff of many corporations, stores, or advertisers in your home watching & recording everything you do? And we only have their word that we can trust every single one of them to do the right thing. Even if every one of their staff are nice, friendly, "perfect angels" (yeah right), are every single one of them gonna keep their machines/devices/servers secure & safe enough to keep all your stuff from falling into the wrong hands, somebody evil, or a hacker?

Let me tell you how hackers & thieves work. The more doors, windows, & entryways you have, the more opportunity for bad people to get in. When your friend comes to the door, but shows up with 10 people you don't know - half of which that your friend just met, are you supposed to trust all of them as much as your friend & let them all in? How much would you trust your friend anymore, for bringing these 10 strangers to your home, insisting that you trust them all & let them in? Let's say you refuse to let them in, but then they stand outside your doors, looking in your windows 24/7 knocking & demanding you let them in.

We have microphones & cameras in our devices these days. They're even turning up on our TVs. Even if you're foolish enough to trust all these people, corporations, their friends, & associates, can we ever trust the security of every single one of them? Will someone you don't trust be able sneak in with them?

Seriously, you want to minimize the amount of people who can get in your OS, devices, & electronics as much as possible. All these people loving Windows 10 should really study it & read the fine print.

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Re: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2015, 05:30:31 PM »

Windows 10 has key loggers that records everything you type, & send it to Microsoft, it's partners, & advertisers. Who are their partners that need that stuff? Homeland security, the NSA, or Chinese hackers? Windows 10 has become the most intrusive, dangerous piece of malware & spyware in the world.

Privacy settings are defaulted to share your Wifi passwords with trusted friends/contacts and use your bandwidth to share Windows updates with other users just like a torrent. Windows update downloads broken drivers that do not work whether you want them or not, and at any time it wants. If you try to install the correct driver from the hardware manufacturer, window updates just replace it with their broken drivers again.

Locks your computer into an endless battle between Windows update and any other third party software which Windows update also has drivers for. When the software installs its own driver, Windows update immediately begins to download and install its own driver again. Loop of infinity.

Microsoft Edge browser allows system background processes to hog up to 90% of your CPU and memory after prolonged use. Closing the browser does not solve the problem, a restart is required. Using Chrome or Firefox solves the problem and the problem only reoccurs when attempting to use Edge. Edge browser does not support Java. Edge browser seems incapable of loading a simple webpage. As soon as you begin to scroll the scroll function disables and additional data is loaded for the page. Edge browser take up to 10 seconds to open a new tab.

Microsoft assigns you an advertising ID to force significant advertising in all of its apps and features. You only have two choices, ads based on them spying on you, random ones from 'ehm' not.

Ignore the rave reviews about Windows 10 on the net. Look at who's advertising at their sites. It's Microsoft & it's partners. Some of those sites have a comments section praising W10 too. They probably work for them. Besides, any site owner can insert comments to their site that can say anything, & appear to be from anybody. With some browser tricks or proxies, commenters at any site can appear to be anybody from any part of the world.

Of course, there are those reviewers who are totally clueless, who's only or first computer experiences are tapping on a phone or small tablet. If most of your online experience comes from tapping on a screen, W10 may seem nice. You may be totally oblivious to the spyware, not even know what a keylogger is, & so used to ads everywhere that you don't even know that it's wrong for your OS to send you ads.

(click to page 2, to continue reading)

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Re: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2015, 06:42:05 PM »
Ads, Ads, & more Ads. Windows 10 has become a ad platform for anyone willing to pay for a commercial on your PC.

By default there are 18 totally useless tiles just in the start menu for Windows 10. 10 of the tiles are advertisements & monetized. If you include the OneNote tile that asks you to buy an Office 365 license that 11 out of the 18 tiles that are ads, & are not links to useful system functions or apps.

5 of them, by default, are news (And I use the word "news" lightly). We don’t need a Start Menu that shows us “Tips for Handling Hot Summer Hikes”, what’s going on with oil stocks, news about a terrosist, or how things are going in the NFL. We don’t want burger recipes, tips on clearing brain fog, or suggestions for crap we should buy in the Xbox Live store. When did the Start Menu become a BuzzFeed ad?

When we use the Start Menu we want to look for our stuff & programs. Not stuff out there on the web. Not stuff Microsoft wants us to buy from their store.  Lady Gaga should not be there.

If that wasn’t bad enough, letting the Internet leak all over your Start Menu, & the search terms you put into the search box in the Start Menu system are sent to Microsoft’s servers, that are analyzed so Bing search results can be served up to you. For over a decade that search box has returned file results on your personal computer but now it phones home with whatever you type into the box and churns out search results to entice you to get on the web? It’s a hot mess of privacy and ethical concerns. Here's a hint Microsoft, we already know hot to get on the web when we want to!

You can put ads on free games, on websites that are supported by ad dollars instead of subscription fees. You can put ads in newsletters & search results. Ads keep the Internet free and give us access to content we can’t or don't want to pay for. But ads in Windows? In the core of the personal computing experience? Those ads and suggested pages are served up by essentially mining our personal data and search queries which should be private.

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Re: Windows 10? I'll stick with W7 a little longer!
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2015, 09:00:25 PM »
Buried in the 12,000 words of Microsoft's service agreement (about the size of a small book) we find,

"We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to do."

What the hell?

Cortana has access to your camera and microphone, and more importantly, it has access to your contacts, calendar, and probably all of your documents. It reports beck to Microsoft & its partners. The Edge browser has Its own integrated PDF and Adobe Flash reader. Its support for asm.js, a JavaScript subset from Mozilla that has been attacked before.

A Microsoft account is mandatory for many services, including Skype. This gives Microsoft more potential to collect info on you.

Wi-Fi sharing defaults to on. That means you will be sharing your Internet connection with your neighbors if you leave it in its default state.

Sign into Windows with your Microsoft account and the operating system immediately syncs settings and data to the company’s servers. That includes your browser history, favorites and the websites you currently have open as well as saved app, website and mobile hotspot passwords and Wi-Fi network names and passwords.

Turn on Cortana, the virtual assistant, and you’re also turning on a whole host of data sharing. Cotana collects and uses various types of data, such as your device location, data from your calendar, the apps you use, data from your emails and text messages, who you call, your contacts and how often you interact with them on your device. Cortana also learns about you by collecting data about how you use your device and other Microsoft services, such as your music, alarm settings, whether the lock screen is on, what you view and purchase, your browse and Bing search history, and more.

Microsoft is always listening because Cortana analyzes speech data. Microsoft collects “your voice input, as well as your name and nickname, your recent calendar events and the names of people in your appointments, and information about your contacts including names and nicknames.

Realistically, Cortana can’t work in the semi-magical way it does without being able to gobble up all that information. But it’s worth being aware of just how wide-ranging its access to your and your friends’/contacts’ data is.

Windows 10 generates a unique advertising ID for each user on each device. That can be used by developers and ad networks to profile you.

There's a new telemetry system called "Asimov" which can be used to monitor the usage of any Windows 10 computer in real time, and if you agree to use Windows 10, you agree to let Microsoft monitor your computer at any time, for any reason, and to share any data they gather with their trusted partners. And no, you don't get to know who those partners are. They might even let law enforcement have access to what you're doing in real time. That might include access to your webcam.

If you're an attorney, what guarantee do you have that the law or other attorneys partnered with MS partners won't be reading your private legal discussions, patents for a client, etc.

I write my own software for stuff. What's gonna prevent some techie working with MS or their partners from stealing my ideas or software? A corporate or technical user's ideas, & designs for new products & campaigns may have to be kept secret until they're released. What if some of Microsoft's or their partner's staff are competitors in the same market, & they get to spy on our computers?

In million ways, this is very bad.

Then they wonder why most corporations, NASA, science labs, Cern, & HADRON are still using Windows 7 or XP. Ok, they may have something else on their personal pocket phone or tablet, but not on their work machines.


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