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The oldest living cat
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:03:30 PM »
Missan the Swedish farm cat is turning 30 this spring and may be the world oldest living cat. By far.

“I read an article about another cat that was supposed to be the world’s oldest, and I just thought to myself: ‘mine is older!’,” Missan’s owner Åsa Wickberg, from Karlskoga,  said.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Poppy from Britain was listed as the world’s oldest cat last year at the age of 24.

Wickberg said she found Missan as an abandoned kitten in 1985, with the family dog quickly adopting her as one of her own.

“She’s a bit of a loner, and has always been a bit shy and a little cautious. But she likes dogs. She takes to them very quickly.”

Although Missan’s age has somewhat taken its toll on her, with some back and kidney problems, it has been nothing that some cortisone and new eating habits haven’t been able to fix.

Wickberg is convinced Missan will make it to the age of 30.

“It feels highly likely,” she said.

 If Missan's age is proven, it would make her the world's oldest living cat, surpassing Tiffany Two, from San Diego, California, who is a mere 26 years old.

It would also mean that the last British cat to be named by Guinness as the world's oldest living domestic feline - Poppy, from Bournemouth - would have to be posthumously stripped of her title.

Poppy died in June last year at the age of 24.

However, Missan would still have some way to go to beat the oldest cat in history - Creme Puff, from Austin, Texas, who died in 2005 at the remarkable age of 38 years and three days.


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