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Author Topic: Lake Erie froze over, now over 80% of Lake Ontario is too.  (Read 2391 times)

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Lake Erie froze over, now over 80% of Lake Ontario is too.
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:06:15 PM »
More than 4,700 square miles of ice formed over the Great Lakes in just one night on Tuesday.

The Arctic blast that swept the Midwest and Northeast saw a near-record amount of Lake Ontario was iced over, with just 20 per cent of open water left.

Overall 82 percent of the five water bodies sealed up.

Ice is largely uncommon on Lake Ontario, which normally sees around 11 percent cover.

Particularly deep, it retains heat longer than its neighboring water bodies.

Lake Erie is entirely iced over.

Almost 92 percent of Lake Huron is covered, and 89 percent of Lake Superior.

Michigan remains the most ice-free with 57 percent of cover.

This time last year, 32 percent of Lake Ontario was iced over. Now, over 80% percent of the water is covered, which is the closest to the record of 86 percent since 1979.

A 'Siberian Express' was barreling up from the Southeast to the Midwest and the East Coast bringing 100 record lows across the region on Thursday, according to forecasters.

Kentucky was the first to experience a record-breaking low in the early hours of Thursday when the city of Paducah felt -8F - the coldest temperature in 120 years.


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