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Author Topic: Got Windows 7? Don't Panic!  (Read 2732 times)

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Got Windows 7? Don't Panic!
« on: August 29, 2019, 01:09:12 PM »
Got Windows 7? Don't Panic!

Microsoft officially ends support for Windows 7 in 2020. That doesn't mean it will suddenly stop working, you'll get infected, or hacked. More people are getting infected & hacked on Windows 10 computers than any other.

As long as you keep your third party antivirus & browsers updated you'll be fine. Do not ever use Microsoft Explorer or Edge browsers on your machines... not even on Windows 10. Most other browsers are safer, more secure, & private.

I would never NEVER get Windows 10 on any machine. If it already came with W10 on it I will remove it to put Windows 7, or something (anything) else on it.

Windows 10 is not more secure. It's forever changing, so is forever creating new vulnerabilities for itself, while they still haven't found & repaired previous vulnerabilities. It's overloaded, bogged down, bloated, & slow. It's chock full of adware, spyware, bloatware, & unsafe third party advertisers or partners far beyond any other OS or mainstream software.

It's unreliable. At least every couple of months an update breaks it, or even if you set it to not update & not reboot while you're working, it will suddenly do that when you're right in the middle of something anyway. It constantly changes & updates my drivers to some generic or odd type of driver that don't work, while I already had the correct & updated driver for that hardware already installed directly from the manufacturer. W10 updates change my settings, so I have to spend hours putting all my setting back the way they should be... every damn month or 2.

W7 has been attacked to death for so many years, that there's very little left that is still vulnerable that hasn't been discovered & patched long ago.

Explorer & Edge browsers are always vulnerable, less safe, less secure, & less private than most other browsers no matter what version of Windows you use. Just don't use them. Almost all popular browsers are better.

Microsoft antivirus, security essentials, & defender are a joke. Almost any of the good free third party antivirus sofware & security are better.

I will be comfortably, safely, & securely using W7 at least until 2023. When it gets to be you can't install an updated browser or firewall on W7 anymore, then you will be at risk. But I'll bet there will still be plenty that work on W7 in 2025.

Updated Opera browsers, many good antivirus software, & firewalls can still be installed on XP & Vista. I've seen many schools, libraries, cash register systems, ATMs, & military equipment still running XP fine & not getting viruses or hacked. Indeed, recently I'm seeing more W10 infected or hacked machines than with any other OS.


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