Nobody mentions the benefits of nicotine. Don't get me wrong, if you smoke, you must stop. It can cause cancer, but also, it WILL damage your lungs & cause COPD. You might not get severe COPD until you're 40-60 years old, depending how much you smoke, & how long you smoke, but everyone who smokes will eventually get COPD.
But nicotine isn't causing the COPD or cancer, it's all the other nasty things in burning tobacco that's bad for you. In fact, inhaling any burnt stuff & smoke can cause cancer & will cause COPD -- even pot & incense. Swallowing burn stuff like charred food (like meat) & smoked meat can cause cancer. They estimate eating just 1/4 pound of smoked or charred meat has the same cancer risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes.
Ask a smoker what they get out of cigarettes and they are likely to talk about pleasure, contentment, and an overall good feeling. Nicotine, the active ingredient in cigarettes, is a stimulant. Used in low doses like those delivered by combustible cigarettes, stimulants activate the nervous system, resulting in enhanced arousal and alertness. Nicotine binding in the limbic system... the part of the brain that houses the pleasure and reward center, releases dopamine, resulting in feelings of euphoria. These effects combine to give smokers a boost in their mood.
Nicotine in its pure form has the potential to be a valuable pharmaceutical agent. Nicotine fairly specifically binds to the cholinergic nicotinic gating site on cationic ion channels in receptors throughout the body. This action stimulates the release of a variety of neurotransmitters including especially catecholamines and serotonin. When chronically taken, nicotine may result in: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reduction of body weight, enhancement of performance, and protection against; Parkinson's disease Tourette's disease, Alzheimers disease, ulcerative colitis and sleep apnea. The reliability of these effects varies greatly but justifies the search for more therapeutic applications for this interesting compound.