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Science, Astronomy, & Physics
/ New Horizons Ultima Thule pictures
« on: January 02, 2019, 11:00:42 PM »
These are the first pictures of Ultima Thule from the New Horizons probe way beyond the orbit of Pluto. I'll post more enhanced images of it if they become available (scroll down to near the bottom for the most recent pictures).

General Discussions
/ I reset the map at the bottom of our pages
« on: August 01, 2018, 04:06:32 AM »
I reset & cleared the map of all dots at the bottom of our pages. It had been so cluttered with visitor dots after a half a year, it barely looked much different month to month anymore.

So it's been restarted fresh today. It'll be fun to watch the dots slowly grow again. It might be a different pattern this time as we have different filters to block out odd bots, malicious IPs, some other nasty stuff, & dual firewalls. I've also took steps to reduce traffic this year to save costs, work, & time. So the dots should accumulate a little slower this time.

General Discussions
/ Roseanne's sitcom cancelled
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:48:28 PM »
Well, that didn't last long. As I predicted last year, when the revival of the Roseanne TV was announced, it's been canceled. I praise ABC for doing a good job making sure the show didn't go too far & wasn't too bigoted. Unfortunately although they were able to control the show's content a bit, they had no control over the star's bigoted life... a devoted Trump supporter.

Roseanne in a tweet said former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett looked like the Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.

Hours later, ABC canceled Ms. Barr’s show. The sudden cancellation of a hit show with some of the highest ratings for a new series in years stunned an industry.

According to two Disney insiders who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe company matters, there was more at stake than just a hit show. Disney has been widely praised in recent years as a leader in efforts to combat racial stereotypes through its movies and TV series.

Roseanne dismissed accusations that the comment was racist, defending it as just a joke. That's the problem with most racists. They don't even know they're racists. To even think up, & say a thing like that, thinking it was a funny joke makes them racist, but they don't know it. They say they were just "kidding around". To joke that a top adviser to Obama looks like they descended from a Muslim monkey, is extremely insulting & racist.

That's like Trump's "Locker Room" humor isn't really funny unless they're a filthy pig. But they don't know they're a pig.

Science, Astronomy, & Physics
/ Stephen Hawking died
« on: March 14, 2018, 12:02:28 PM »
One of my heroes, Stephen Hawking died last night.

Science, Astronomy, & Physics
/ Last chance to look at Andromeda
« on: March 09, 2018, 11:35:12 PM »
Sirius in the constellation Canis Major, the Big Dog, blazes brightly in the southern sky. Sirius is only eight and a half light years away.

All the bright planets are visible in the sky, the inner planets in the evening and the outer planets in the morning. At 6:30 a.m. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are spread across the southern sky. Jupiter is the brightest of the trio of planets and is the furthest west. Mars, appearing red, and Saturn, appearing yellow, are in the south-southeast, appear similar in brightness and are separated by 11 degrees.

After sunset look low in the western sky for Venus and Mercury. Venus will be the brightest object in the sky and will be an easy object to spot. Mercury is not nearly as bright, but shines bright enough four degrees to the upper right of Venus.

Time to spot the Andromeda Galaxy is growing short as the galaxy sets earlier each night. First look for what resembles a large slender letter V, which is beginning to drop below the horizon. The second pair of stars from the horizon are the two stars needed to start looking for the galaxy. At 9 p.m. the galaxy is 15 degrees above the horizon in the northwest. These two stars are separated by about four degrees and, moving this same distance to the right of the two stars, will lead you to the galaxy.

You'll need to be in a very dark sky location in the country to see Andromeda. It may just appear as a faint small cloud, but should look more like a galaxy with binoculars or a small telescope. Andromeda is the closest galaxy to us, right next door to our own galaxy. It's on a collision course with us. In a few billion years, before our sun blows into a red giant, & burns up the earth, the gravity of Andromeda colliding with our own galaxy will have upset the orbits of stars, planets, & asteroids probably rendering the earth uninhabitable.

Paranormal, Aliens, & UFOs
/ Oregon FAA & Pilot UFO tapes
« on: February 23, 2018, 04:01:50 AM »
In Oct. 2017, A radar target moving at very high speed over Northern California & Oregon was spotted by airline pilots traveling over Oregon. Even F-15 fighters were launched to intercept the UFO, which quickly became invisible to radar.

These are the audio recordings of the Airport tower, pilots, & the FAA during the incident. The voices of the people are electronically altered to protect their identity, but is on record with the FAA.

General Discussions
/ Cleaners cause lung decline/COPD
« on: February 23, 2018, 01:29:40 AM »
Women who work as cleaners or regularly use cleaning sprays or other cleaning products at home appear to experience a greater decline in lung function over time than women who do not clean, according to new research published online in the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway analyzed data from 6,235 participants in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. The participants, whose average age was 34 when they enrolled, were followed for more than 20 years.

The authors found that the accelerated lung function decline in the women working as cleaners was "comparable to smoking somewhat less than 20 pack- years."

The authors speculate that the decline in lung function is attributable to the irritation that most cleaning chemicals cause on the mucous membranes lining the airways, which over time results in persistent changes in the airways and airway remodeling.

The number of men who worked as occupational cleaners was also small, and their exposure to cleaning agents was likely different from that of women working as cleaning professionals

"The message of this study is that in the long run cleaning chemicals very likely cause rather substantial damage to your lungs," Øistein Svanes said. "These chemicals are usually unnecessary; microfiber cloths and water are more than enough for most purposes."

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