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You only have the option to roll back to your previous version of Windows from Windows 10 for 30 days. So you must decide now or soon if you want to keep Windows 10, or you'll be stuck permanently with it!

To roll back your Windows 10, to your previous version of Windows, go to your PC Settings, by typing Settings in the taskbar search bar, next to the Windows icon, and clicking on Settings (of just navigate to "Settings" in your Start Menu). It will open the PC Settings. Select "Update and Security".

The Update and Security option opens. There you will see options like Windows Update, Activation, Backup, Recovery and Windows Defender. Click on "Recovery". This will open the Recovery settings window for your PC. You will see 3 options.

Click on, "Go back to your previous version of Windows." This will just bring your previous Windows back on your PC without affecting your documents and files.

Note that you must carry out the rollback operation, within 30 days of upgrading to Windows 10!

Microsoft will ask for your feedback and the reason to uninstall Windows 10. Give your feedback, then click on Next. Make sure your computer power is plugged in, the rollback won't work on battery power alone.

The whole rollback procedure will probably take as long as the original upgrade did. So get a cup of coffee, or turn on the TV, while you wait. Once the rollback is completed, your computer will automatically boot into your previous version of Windows.

Paranormal, Aliens, & UFOs
/ UFO video from Homeland Security
« on: August 25, 2015, 07:30:08 AM »
This is infrared surveillance video of a UFO recorded by a Homeland Security border patrol aircraft.


Full article explaining the sighting is here:

In the IR video the darkest spots are the hottest, & the brightest spots are the coldest. In the magnified & enhanced captures of the video below I reverse it where the brighter stuff is the hotter they are, & the darker spots are colder. Beware these would be the infrared signature of the object & not the shape of the object itself. In infrared, even hot air or hot gasses can look like solid objects.

Windows 10 is more like a terminal than an OS. Because of the extent of the cloud integration, a large portion of the OS is dependent on remote Microsoft servers. The amount of collected information, even with strict privacy settings, is alarming!

All text typed on the keyboard is stored in temporary files, and sent once every 30 minutes to:

There is autocorrect in certain text fields, but whether a full keylog is necessary for this (as opposed to just corrections) is questionable. This also appears to still occur even if the user is not signed in to a Microsoft account, eliminating the across devices benefit. Perhaps there is a global autocorrect dictionary that benefits all users, but the privacy implications of an un-disableable "always on" keylogger outweigh these potential benefits. The implications of this are significant: because this is an OS-level keylogger, all the data you're trying to transmit securely is now sitting on some MS server. This includes passwords and encrypted chats. This also includes the on-screen keyboard, so there is no way to authenticate to a website without MS also getting your password.

Telemetry is sent once per 5 minutes, to:

You might think that "telemetry" has to do with OS usage or similar... turns out it's telemetry about the user. For example, typing a phone number anywhere into the Edge browser transmits it to the servers above.

In another example, typing the name of any popular movie into your local file search starts a telemetry process that indexes all media files on your computer and transmits them to:

It's hard to imagine any purpose for this other than the obvious piracy crackdown possiblities.

When a webcam is first enabled, ~35mb of data gets immediately transmitted to:

Everything that is said into an enabled microphone is immediately transmitted to:

If this weren't bad enough, this behaviour still occurs after Cortana is disabled or uninstalled. It's speculated that the purpose of this function to build up a massive voice database, then tie those voices to identities, and eventually be able to identify anyone simply by picking up their voice, whether it be a microphone in a public place or a wiretap on a payphone.

Interestingly, if Cortana is enabled, the voice is first transcribed to text, then the transcription is sent to:

If Windows is left unattended for ~15 mins, a large volume of traffic starts being transmitted to various servers. This may be the raw audio data, rather than just samples.

You'd think you might be able to block all of the above servers via HOSTS, it turns out this won't work. Microsoft has taken the care to hardcode certain IPs, meaning that there is no DNS lookup and no HOSTS consultation. However, if the above servers are blocked via HOSTS, Windows will pretend to be crippled by continuously throwing errors, while still maintaining data collection in the background. Other than an increase in errors, HOSTS blocking did not affect the volume, frequency, or rate of data being transmitted.

Several torrent trackers have banned Windows 10, or are considering doing so over Windows 10 privacy intrusions.

iTS explain that Windows 10 is off-limits now because of the extensive amount of data it shares. This includes connections to MarkMonitor, the brand protection company which is also involved in the U.S. Copyright Alert System.

Microsoft decided to revoke any kind of data protection and submit whatever they can gather to not only themselves but also for others. One of those is one of the largest anti-piracy company called MarkMonitor,” iTS staff note.

“Amongst other things Windows 10 sends the contents of your local disks directly to one of their servers. Obviously this goes way too far and is a serious threat to sites like ours which is why we had to take measures,” they add.

While this may sound scary, Microsoft has been working with MarkMonitor for years already. The connection is raising red flags with other tracker operators as well. More trackers reportedly ban Windows 10 and others including BB and FSC are considering to follow suit.

“We have also found Windows 10 will be gathering information on users’ P2P use to be shared with anti piracy group,” BB staff writes to its users. “What’s particularly nasty is that apparently it sends the results of local searches to a well known anti piracy company directly so as soon as you have one known p2p or scene release on your local disk, you're busted!"

The same sentiment is shared at FSC where staff also informed users about the threat.

“As we all know, Microsoft recently released Windows 10. You as a member should know, that we as a site are thinking about banning the OS from FSC. That would mean you cannot use the site with the OS installed,” FSC staff writes.

Comments from around the web:

They say this is all nonsense, & paranoia. I'm pretty sure that 10 years ago Snowden would've been considered your typical conspiracy nut. Knowing what we do now it is dangerous to simply dismiss outlandish revelations as "nonsense", sadly, we can't afford to take such luxuries. Good move by the torrent trackers.


Even OS X does not collect this kind of data without the user's consent (default in Yosemite is only search queries sent to Bing) and has extensive options to disable such things. No Linux distro does this sort of sharing.


Operating system's don't care too much for IP addresses when they conveniently give you a free copy of Win10 that has a product code in it and can track your activities directly.


They share the data with other companies too, not just themselves. Anyone that has an affiliation with microsoft will have access to the information, and then those companies will also have NDAs' between other companies as well.


they collect a list of the entire contents of your hard drives,that is not just Microsoft


No thanks. I'm quite firm on opting out with win7 being the last operating system from microsoft to use.


Windows 10 is basically one big keylogger. look into snowden files and you will see they pay microsoft big money for data, however they also just slurp it off the wire, so basically they have several databases of it, and don't forget about the 72 fusion centers also sharing this data.


Someone once told me, "You must be a fool if you think these corporate giants take anyone's 'best interests to hearts' besides their owns." If Microsoft can make a dollar stopping you from playing that game you downloaded for free, you can bet your ass they will.

Microsoft is noticing their market share on networked devices dwindling, (Google Android and Apple iOS are the market leaders on mobile devices) so what better way than to force a free OS and be a part of the big-data collection picture as well.


Ten years ago, it was well known the NSA was doing that, no one cared at the time!


It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. M$ have hit hard times & this is there way out of them surprising then that they are giving it away unless they are planning to monetize the contents of your system and all of your personal data.

Paranormal, Aliens, & UFOs
/ Chief Vatican astronomer believes aliens
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:22:16 AM »
The Pope’s chief astronomer Father Jose Funes has confirmed that the Vatican Observatory in Rome believes in life on other planets.

The Vatican Observatory has said that the discovery of planets, on which it is believed life could exist, in the past number of years has led them to believe that we are not alone.

Fr. Funes said, “Our galaxy contains more than a hundred billion stars.

“Considering the number of exoplanets discovered, it seems that the vast majority of stars in our galaxy, at least potentially, can have planets where life could develop.”

“It is probable there was life and perhaps a form of intelligent life … I don't think we’ll ever meet a Mr. Spock,” he continues.

Nor does he believe that there will be any encounter between these other forms of life and a higher power, describing the life on Earth of Jesus Christ as a “unique event” in history and one that has not and will not be repeated. Unfortunately for these other extraterrestrials, Fr. Funes believes that God has a special place in his heart for mankind and Jesus would not have been sent to save them (or they may not sin as we do).

“The discovery of intelligent life does not mean there’s another Jesus,” he continued. “The incarnation of the Son of God is a unique event in the history of humanity of the universe”.

In a huge turnaround for the Catholic Church, Fr. Funes says that believing in aliens does not go against the Bible or Christian doctrine, as it still acknowledges the work of God in creating this other life.

Last year, Pope Francis also revealed that he believes in the Big Bang and in evolution, although he feels that they are both still the work of a divine creator.

The Aquarid meteor shower will thin down just as the Perseid meteor shower ramps up. Although far from it's peak yet, you'll see some Perseid meteors mixed in with the Aquarid meteors tonight. Even though many of the meteors will be seen hitting our atmosphere "head on" many of them just get trapped by Earth's gravity, & gradually spiral down into our atmosphere over a few hours or weeks. Also the debris field of these meteors is very wide, where the peak hours or days of the shower is just when the Earth is passing through the densest part of the vast field.

So unlike any other month,you'll see more meteors (falling stars) on most August nights than any other month. How spectacular it is varies a lot from year to year, because we don't pass through the same or densest part every year - The field itself also orbits the sun, which is essentially a trail of small chunks left behind by a comet that passed through.
(see a comet close-up )

Each year, the Perseid meteor shower begins in the first week of August and peaks between August 12 and 13. The Perseids is known for producing the most fireballs of any meteor shower... exceptionally bright meteors that can outshine everything else in the sky, with some years over 100 meteors per hour.  The Perseid parent comet returns to the inner solar system every approximately 130 years. It was discovered 1862 & its last orbit around the sun was in 1992. It is not expected to return until 2126. The comet has probably made hundreds of prior revolutions around the sun. The Perseid meteor shower has been recorded by human civilizations for more than 2,000 years.

The best views will be seen from very dark locations with a low horizon free from obstructions, to the east and south. The meteors will be seen radiating from a region of the sky low on the eastern horizon just around 10pm (eastern USA time), peaking after midnight, moving higher in the sky and farther to the south as the night progresses. By just before local sunrise, the meteors will be seen nearly due south. In the western USA, expect peaks right after dark. In Eastern Europe, expect peaks in the pre-dawn hours. In Asia & Australia, you will observe them too, but it will be daylight there during it's peaks, & the bulk of it will be hitting the northern hemisphere. So for Australians, this will be a minor meteor shower.

Pets, animals & nature
/ Dentist kills lots of animals for fun
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:53:24 PM »
Why can't this dentist do something constructive like shark hunting? I wouldn't want someone with total lack of compassion working on my medical or dental problems. Hmmm. A compassionate doctor? That's a rare find these days.


The worst part is that lions a very intelligent animals. This was an older collared nature preserve animal. He was used to humans, & most likely thought that they were his friends. This was not a brave hunt. This was a cowardly way to get a fancy trophy to show off to his phoney friends. He should be extradited to pay for his crimes. If we can prosecute kids for killing a turtle, we should be able to send this jerk back for punishment.

He paid a guide $55,000 to hunt & kill the lion. Wow, what a waste of good money. On my current tight budget, I can live of that for about 8 years, or live extremely well on it for 5 years.

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