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=> Topic started by: Psk on January 10, 2015, 11:52:03 PM

Title: Mars' newest impact crater discovered
Post by: Psk on January 10, 2015, 11:52:03 PM
There's a new crater on Mars where there wasn't a crater before. Discovered by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, astronomers believe it was created between February 2012 and June 2014. Previous photos of the region show no craters there. NASA hasn't estimated the size of the crater, but other astronomers say it's about 35-60 miles across.

Below, the images were processed & enhanced by me with software I made myself.

But I had to shrink them down a bit to save on bandwidth & operating size of the site. Things are quiet now because this site is new, but if we get busy, consumption costs due to large file sizes will be a problem.